sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

Dia en Nautivela / Nautivela

Ayer fuimos a Nautivela. Estuvimos varias horas y volvimos con un mastil para probar en Weymouth.
En el 470 es muy importante navegar con diferentes equipos hasta encontrar lo que a uno le rinde.
Como los mastiles son construidos en aluminio es dificil encontrar lo que se busca.

Manana partiremos para Weymouth. Estamos ansiosos por volver a la competencia, especialmente donde seran los proximos Juegos Olimpicos.
Gracias por seguirnos!

Yesterday was a long day in Nautivela. We spent some time there and we came back with a new mast to be tested in Weymouth.
In the 470, is very important to sail with different equipment in order to find what works for the team. Masts are built in aluminum and that is why it is so hard to find what you are looking for.
We are flying to Weymouth tomorrow. We're really looking forward to a new a regatta, specially where the next Olympic games will be raced.
Thanks for following us!

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